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Easiest Way To Get Alot Of Traffic!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

13/09/10 Oh yea.

It seems that no actual famous hot chicks were born today, although there were alot females didn't qualify to be the HCOTD, they were either old or pornstars.
But then I found someone by the name of Louise Lombard.

She may be turning 40 today but I must say, she does look magnificent for her age. 
UK actress Louise Lombard has been in the entertainment business at a young age and has been known for starring in such TV shows as "Metropolis", "CSI", "NCIS" and most recently "SGU".

I must say congrats on being the HCOTD, she won just edging out from close rival Veronica Taylor.

Veronica didn't win because of being unknown but I can see her in about a year or two giving us her breakout performance in a movie or TV show. Until then she'll have to settle for second place, sorry.

I honestly spent alot of time thinking about this before making my mind, feel free to tell me if I have made the wrong decision.

Happy 40th Birthday Louise Lombard!!